I am Đorđe. I grew up in a family that was relatively functional and in which nothing was scarce. It was understood that I was a smart kid and that ill succeed in life, do something and live normally. Because of a later fall apart in the family I was becoming more separated, more depressed and more prone to suicide. At the start of middle school drugs appear which at the time were bringing answers to my critical adolescent state. At 18 years I start to live alone where without any control I start taking drugs non-stop and start looking at it as an anti-depressive. All drugs were acceptable but cannabis and heroin were the main thing. At a certain time I was managing to work at a good position but after a few years I lost control and everything with it. The chance to become a dealer arose and because of it I move to another town and from there I start selling while abusing every day. The entire time I was trying, with the help of my mother, through most prestigious psychologists and neuropsychiatrists to stop but it was all short lived. When my body started to shut down I knew the end was near and I decide to look for help knowing that I need treatment and to beat my addiction. I’ve heard about Restart numerous times and I asked my mother to contact them. There I find unbelievable readiness and determination to help me. Seeing people who had the same problem as I and now have glow and freedom in their eyes gave me hope in life which up until then I never had. My rehabilitation starts in Restart where they prepare me for a rehabilitation center. The center in Slovenia helped me learn how to beat my addictive character and take responsibility for my life as well as instill Christian values. Now I am free, have a new life and I feel like a productive member of society, I have a job and a wish to see those which are still addicts find a solution for their problem with addiction.