Association Restart was founded in the year of 2011 as an organisation with the mission of helping addicts find a way and a place for their recovery and healing, Our mission is saving human lives. We offer help and support towards recovery from addiction and partaking in criminal activities. Association Restart offers help to past, recovered and rehabilitated addicts towards re-entering the society.
Restart is a place of hope, where someone who has a problem with drugs or crime through acceptance, understanding, support, direction and orientation goes through the process of recovery and starts a new life style. Through our act we desire to bring closer a way of escape from addiction and offer a solution for total recovery from sickness of addiction and drug abuse. With our act we send a message to the broader public that “once an addict – always an addict” IS NOT TRUE
Post-penalty support is offered to people after finishing the legal punishment. Support is based on reintegration in healthy and useful avenues of life. Support is offered to juveniles who have been through educational correctional facilities. Post-penalty support implies help towards realization of legal, health and social status. We assist in regulating necessary documents, regulating a place of residence and creating a employment relationships in the local community..
Restart social entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is a business with the idea that with investing money made through sales and services fulfills a clear societal mission. Earned capital is invested and serve in the goal of employing people that have a hard time finding a job and help their resocialization and reintegration. Social entrepreneurship deals with recognizing and solving societal problems such as marginalization, isolation and unemployment of groups that include past addicts or past convicts.
Boris Štrbac
Kristina Kostić
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